Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Day: Inauguration Day

The Inauguration Speech is considered the President's first act in office. The Inaugural speech is a speech in which the President is supposed to mollify the American people about the pressing issues concerning them.
Here are Presidents Roosevelt, Carter, Obama Inaugural Adresses

Franklin Roosevelt:

 The famous line " we have nothing to fear but fear itself" was spoken during Roosevelt's first Inaugural address to the country. This line served the American people as a reassurance that President Roosevelt and the rest of the government will turn around the Great Depression and that America's best days are ahead. He focused on specific policies he would change in his first hundred days, not just using empty rhetoric.

Jimmy Carter:

Jimmy Carter ran as an outsider for President. This "outsider" persona would come back to bite him with a vengeance in his first hundred days. As an outsider, Jimmy Carter did not know how to pass legislation in Washington or how to play politics. Without any real experience in Washington, Carter resorted to idealistic rhetoric without mentioning any real plan he had for the American Public in his speech.

Barack Obama:
Barack Obama ran on a message of changing politics as usual with slogans such such "Yes We Can" and Hope and Change. He, alike Jimmy Carter, has little experience in Washington DC (Obama represented Illinois from 2006 till his 2008 election as a Senator). But Obama was not an idealist, he told it exactly as it was and what the American public wanted: a plan for recovery of the American Recovery and way of life.

The theme of leadership will be key when examining the rest of the each President's First Hundred Days.

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