Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Evaluation of Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter and Franklin Roosevelt

Overall, I believe President Obama did a very decent job in his first hundred days in office. Considering the type of problems he faced with the economy as well as the loud opposition to his plans, he was able to stabilize the economy, help keep more Americans at work, and forward gender relations in a good direction.

This is a projected map of Obama v Romney in 2012. Right now, Obama is in the lead but the election is extremely contentious at the moment. Swing States are unshaded.

It is quite evident that Jimmy Carter was an ineffective President. He could never make up his mind, which cause his leadership abilities to be hurt, and could not connect with the American people, which hurt him greatly in tying to pass legislation and be a great leader. This first hundred days of Carter's administration proved to be a great foreshadowing for the rest of his term, which proved to be downright lousy. This ultimately caused him to lose in a great landslide to Ronald Reagan in 1980.

Throughout this research process, it is still clear why FDR is considered the benchmark for all other Presidents' firt hundred days in office. He was able to pass 15 pieces of legislation in his first hundred days, most of which were major bills to fix the economy, which he did. FDR's first hundred days success was a great omen for him in the election standpoint as he was reelected for three more terms in 1936, 1940 and 1944 in near-landslides.

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