Tuesday, May 1, 2012

FDR's Legislative Relations

Not only could FDR lead the people of America to spark change across the country, he lead a congress that was divided to pass most of his crucial legislation to stabilize the economy.

The Republican House Minority Leader Bertrand Snell of New York said this about FDR's push for the Emergency Banking Act:
"The house is burning down, and the president of the United States says this is the way to put out the fire...And to me at this time, there is only one answer to that question, and that is to give the president what he demands and says is necessary to meet the situation."

FDR's presence and push to stabilize the economy with the Emergency Banking Act was all the other side needed to see to realize to put aside the game of politics and vote for the needs of the American People. The bill ended up passing the Senate 73-7. The bill ended up being passed through Congress and signed in one day because of Roosevelt's leadership skill, which lead Congress to action.



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