Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Barack Obama's Evaluation:Legislative Part

With looking at the good and the bad of a President's first hundred days, it is now time to evaluate the current Presidents standing in his first hundred days.

President Obama came into the Office of the Presidency facing one of the biggest financial collapses since FDR's Presidency. With the looming crisis, Obama passed the what is known as the Stimulus. While Jimmy Carter's stimulus ended up causing even more problems, President Obama's stimulus did not hurt but helped the dwindling economy because inflation was kept under control. The $787 billion package followed the same type of programs that were successfully put into place by FDR during the Great Depression. President Obama was able to put people back to work in places the America needed rebuilding such as bridges, roads and schools that were under code.

A second crucial piece of legislation passed under President Obama was Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. This bill allowed women to be able to challenge issues on unequal pay easier by changing the time-barred restrictions to bring the charges to 180 days from any paycheck. This was a major step in the direction for eradicating the problem of sex discrimination in pay in the workforce. This bill move gender relations in the right direction by allowing women to not have to keep silent about being unequal to men in the workplace.

The key difference in the legislating between President Jimmy Carter and President Obama was that Jimmy Carter attempted to pass too many bills through Congress and ended up with little to show for it. While President Obama advocated for major pieces of legislation and was able to succeed in bringing about change through a smaller amount of major pieces of legislation.


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